According to the latest statistics, the small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) sector is growing rapidly and is a key element of the economy. These companies account for many jobs and generate a significant percentage of GDP in many countries. In the era of digitalisation, the skilful use of analytical tools is becoming one of the […]
Achieving ever-higher work efficiency is possible through various methods, one of the key ones being the drive for maximum process automation. In this regard, the Microsoft Fabric REST API is a valuable tool that can accelerate daily data operations.
Modern business is based on data. Companies that can analyse information effectively gain a competitive advantage, understand their customers better and make decisions faster. Microsoft Fabric is a modern, end-to-end data management, analytics, and integration platform that allows companies to realise their potential effectively. In this article, we take you through your first steps with […]
What is OneLake? Microsoft Fabric is a comprehensive analytics platform designed to simplify data management within organizations. One of its key components is OneLake—a universal, open data lake that serves as a central repository for the entire organization. Its primary goal is to eliminate data silos and allow users to access analytical resources without the […]
Data sharing in Microsoft Fabric is a key functionality that enables efficient and secure collaboration between users and organizations. Whether you need to share reports within a team or transfer data between different tenants, Fabric offers flexible solutions tailored to modern business needs. In this article, we will explore how data sharing in Fabric works, […]
The era of digital transformation challenges organisations to manage data effectively. Microsoft Fabric is a comprehensive tool that integrates data management, analysis and visualisation functionalities, offering new business opportunities. What are the benefits of its implementation, and why is it becoming known as a groundbreaking tool in data management? Let’s find out! A comprehensive approach […]
Data Engineering w Microsoft Fabric to nowoczesne rozwiązanie, które umożliwia inżynierię danych i analizę na dużą skalę. Dzięki temu przedsiębiorstwa mogą w prosty sposób przetwarzać, gromadzić i transformować dane z różnych źródeł, eliminując trudności związane z ich integracją. Funkcjonalności takie jak budowa lakehouse, obsługa Big Data, a także wsparcie dla różnych źródeł i formatów danych sprawiają, że jest to kluczowe narzędzie w nowoczesnej analizie danych.
Today’s organisations increasingly recognise the importance of sustainability and the implementation of ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) strategies. A responsible approach to the environment, society and corporate governance has become key to building competitive advantage. In this context, data analytics plays a key role, and the Microsoft Fabric platform offers advanced tools that can help companies […]
Reporting automation has become one of the most critical tools to support organisations in making fast, data-driven decisions. Microsoft Fabric, a platform that combines advanced analytics with data management, opens up new possibilities for reporting automation. It enables companies across industries to save time, reduce errors and gain strategic competitive advantage. What are the key […]
Internal integrations in MS Fabric are processes that enable centralized management and analysis of data from various Microsoft ecosystem tools. Thanks to these integrations, organizations can efficiently combine data and create consistent, easily accessible sources of information on a single panel. Such a system makes information management faster, more effective and supports the work of […]