Tradycyjne metody oparte na lokalnych serwerach stają się coraz mniej efektywne, co prowadzi do rosnącej popularności chmury obliczeniowej. Microsoft Fabric to kompleksowe rozwiązanie chmurowe, które pozwala firmom w sposób zintegrowany przetwarzać, analizować i wykorzystywać dane do podejmowania lepszych decyzji biznesowych. W tym artykule przyjrzymy się bliżej zaletom rozwiązań chmurowych. Dlaczego rozwiązania chmurowe są teraz popularne? […]
Achieving ever-higher work efficiency is possible through various methods, one of the key ones being the drive for maximum process automation. In this regard, the Microsoft Fabric REST API is a valuable tool that can accelerate daily data operations.
Modern business is based on data. Companies that can analyse information effectively gain a competitive advantage, understand their customers better and make decisions faster. Microsoft Fabric is a modern, end-to-end data management, analytics, and integration platform that allows companies to realise their potential effectively. In this article, we take you through your first steps with […]
What is OneLake? Microsoft Fabric is a comprehensive analytics platform designed to simplify data management within organizations. One of its key components is OneLake—a universal, open data lake that serves as a central repository for the entire organization. Its primary goal is to eliminate data silos and allow users to access analytical resources without the […]